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For February
17 221 ₽
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131 511 ₽


Public offer on conclusion of a donation agreement

Non-profit organization "Charity Fund "Izgelek", represented by Gaisina Zarina,
offers citizens to make a donation under the following conditions:

1. General provisions
1.1. In accordance with Clause 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation this offer is a public offer (hereinafter - the Offer).
1.2. The terms used in this Offer have the following meaning:
"Donation" - "donation of a thing or rights for general purposes";
"Donator" - «citizen who makes donations";
"Donation recipient" - "Non-profit organization" Charity Fund "Izgelek".

1.3 The Offer is valid for an unlimited period from the moment of its placement on the website of the Donation Recipient.
1.4. Donation Recipient has the right to cancel the Offer at any time by removing it from the page of his website.
1.5 Invalidity of one or several conditions of the Offer does not imply invalidity of all other conditions of the Offer.

2. Material terms and conditions of the donation agreement:
2.1. The donation is used for the content and maintenance of the recipient's statutory activities.
2.2. The amount of the donation is determined by the Donator. 2.2.

3. The procedure of entering into a donation agreement:
3.1. In accordance with p.3 of Art. 434 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation the donation agreement is concluded in writing by acceptance of the Offer by the Donator.
3.2. The Offer can be accepted by transfer of funds by the Donator in favor of the Recipient of donation by the payment order to the details specified in Section 5 of the Offer, indicating in "purpose of payment» line: "donation for the maintenance and conduct of statutory activities", as well as by using plastic cards, electronic payment systems and other means and systems that allow the Donator to transfer funds to the Beneficiary
3.3. Carrying out any of the actions provided for by clause 3.2. of the Offer by the Donator is considered as an acceptance of the Offer in accordance with clause 3, article 438 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
3.4. The date of the Offer acceptance - the date of donation agreement conclusion is the date of donation receipt in the form of monetary funds from the Donator to the Donation Recipient's settlement account.

4. Final Provisions:
4.1. Performing actions, stipulated by this Offer, the Donator confirms that he is familiar with the conditions of the Offer, the aims of activity of the Donation Recipient, understands the meaning of his actions and has the full right to perform them, fully and unconditionally accepts the conditions of this Offer.
4.2. This Offer shall be regulated and interpreted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Signature and details of the Donation Recipient

Non-commercial organization "Izgelek Charity Foundation»

OGRN: 1110200006025
TIN/KPP: 0277985598/027401001
Location address: 450074, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 12 Zainab Biishevoi str.

Bank details:
Bank account number: 40703810900010000065
BIK: 048073770
Bank correspondent account number: 3010181060000000000770

President of the Foundation
Gaisina Zarina Khasanboevna

How to help?

Donate now

  1. Send an SMS from your mobile phone to the short number 3443 with the text "Izgelek" and the amount of payment. Thus, if you donate 150 rubles, your message will look like this: "Izgelek 150".
  2. You can make a donation with Visa, MasterCard right now. All transferred funds will go to the current account of the Izgelek Charity Fund. The report on donations and expenditures of the fund is updated daily at izgelek.com. If you want to make a donation for a specific program, select the program from the proposed list in the "Purpose" field. If you would like to donate to a specific person, be sure to select their first and last name.

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By clicking on the "Donate" button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree with the privacy policy, as well as with a public offer agreement