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+7 (937) 323-22-30
For February
20 241 ₽
For 2025
134 531 ₽


The Fund renders help under the uniform program "Emergency aid (ER aid)" to children and adults till 35 years old living in the Republic of Bashkortostan, who need surgical, conservative or rehabilitation treatment on condition that state financing of this treatment is impossible or difficult.

The following diseases are in the matter:

  1. Congenital developmental defects (clubfoot, maxillofacial pathology, complex heart defects, etc.);

  2. Post-burn plastic surgery;

  3. Oncology in the initial stages (hematology). In case of absence of possibilities of rendering help in the Russian Federation;

  4. Severe forms of scoliosis.

ATTENTION: The Fund does not pay for experimental or research treatment methods.

In addition, our fund provides assistance to people who have found themselves in a difficult life situation. In particular, the fund provides assistance to burned-out tenants.

ATTENTION: In this direction, each month the Foundation's Expert Council considers no more than one application for assistance, charitable assistance to the family is provided once.

How to apply?

The list of necessary documents for those who need treatment, medicines:

  1. Application.
  2. Questionnaire for the applicant.
  3. Consent to the processing of personal data.
  4. Birth certificate until the age of 14, and after 14 a copy of the passport with the residence registration.
  5. Certificate of disability (if any) is mandatory for diagnoses - cerebral palsy, organic lesion of the CNS. For diabetes mellitus applications are accepted only from those who have already had a disability withdrawn. Epicrisis prescribed.
  6. Epicrisis prescribed.
  7. Doctor's conclusion, doctor's recommendation that this child needs this help.
  8. Extract from the outpatient card on the child's medical history, valid for no more than 3 months.
  9. Invitations, bills.
  10. Copy of passport with residence registration, TIN and parent's insurance certificate.
  11. Certificate of income of all family members (for the last 3 months at the time of application, certificate of pension, from the Labour Office - only for those who are registered).
  12. Certificate of registration (family composition).
  13. Marriage divorce certificate (death certificate).
  14. Certificate of alimony or vice versa
  15. Two colour photos of the child in good quality and resolution - in electronic version. Fuzzy small photos and photos taken on the phone are not accepted.

The decision on who will be assisted is taken by the Foundation's Expert Council at a meeting that takes place at least once a month. Its results are published on the website in the section "News", in social networks. You can also find out about the stage of your case by calling us. The Foundation has the right to refuse on the basis of the decision of the Expert Council.

In case the Expert Council approves the application to our fund, we conclude a donation agreement with you.

We kindly ask you to pay attention to the clause in the contract
"I agree to publish all the data provided in the media and in advertising of the fund".

You can read about why we publish children's stories in the media here.

Memo for wards

Our address: 450076 Ufa, 21 Krasina Street, 5th floor.
The entrance is from Gafuri Street. Transport stop "Krasina" or "School-lyceum No.2".
Postal address: 450074, a/b No. 8
Contact phone: +7 (937) 323-22-30
Admission days: Admission only during working hours by appointment.

How to help?

Donate now

  1. Send an SMS from your mobile phone to the short number 3443 with the text "Izgelek" and the amount of payment. Thus, if you donate 150 rubles, your message will look like this: "Izgelek 150".
  2. You can make a donation with Visa, MasterCard right now. All transferred funds will go to the current account of the Izgelek Charity Fund. The report on donations and expenditures of the fund is updated daily at izgelek.com. If you want to make a donation for a specific program, select the program from the proposed list in the "Purpose" field. If you would like to donate to a specific person, be sure to select their first and last name.

Help monthly

By clicking on the "Donate" button, you consent to the processing of personal data and agree with the privacy policy, as well as with a public offer agreement