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+7 (937) 323-22-30
For March
53 686 ₽
For 2025
278 287 ₽

About the Foundation

Our main sponsor is
the Ural Charitable Foundation.

Izgelek Charity Fund started its work in November 2012. Since then thousands of people from all districts of Bashkortostan have received help - children and adults with oncology, type 1 diabetes mellitus, cerebral palsy, Psychoverbal development disoders, burns and road traffic accidents victims, large families, veterans, orphans and single elderly people.


ЛН-готовое1.jpg Liliya Gilmanova, Chairwoman of the Expert Council, Doctor of the highest qualification category, Honoured Worker in Public Healthcare, Head of the Obstetrics and Remote Consulting Centre of the Republican Clinical Hospital named after G.G. Kuvatov.
Хафизов-Н.Х..jpg Nazir Khafizov, Honoured Doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, Honoured Worker in Public Healthcare of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Галимова-Р.М..jpg Galimova Rezeda, PhD in medicine, pediatric neurosurgeon.
Хусаинова-Э.Т..jpg Elvina Khusainova, PhD in Medicine, Honoured Doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Honoured worker in Public Healthcare of RB and RF, doctor of the highest qualification category
Бахтиярова-К.З..jpg Clara Bakhtiyarova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, doctor of the highest qualification category, member of the Russian Society of Neurologists, Head of the Republican Center "Multiple Sclerosis", Chief Independent Neurologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Honoured Doctor of Bashkortostan.
ЛН-готовое11.jpg Gallyamov Elzar, doctor of the highest qualification category, Honoured worker of Public healthcare of the Russian Federation, neurologist of the Republican Children's Clinical Hospital.


Рахимова Рауфа Гареевна Raufa Rakhimova, Chairperson of the Board of Patrons.
E-mail: rakhim@izgelek.com
Гайсина Зарина Хасанбоевна Zarina Gaisina, President of the Foundation.
E-mail: zarina@izgelek.com
Тагирова Лариса Петровна Ekaterina Korotkova, Chief Financial Officer.
E-mail: buh@izgelek.com
Газизова Савия Минигалиевна Savia Gazizova, Social Programs Coordinator.
E-mail: saviya@izgelek.com
Our address: 450076 Ufa, 21 Krasina Street, 5th floor.
The entrance is from Gafuri Street. Transport stop "Krasina" or "School-lyceum No.2".
Postal address: 450074, a/b No. 8
Contact phone: +7 (937) 323-22-30
Admission days: Admission only during working hours by appointment.

How to help?

Donate now

  1. Send an SMS from your mobile phone to the short number 3443 with the text "Izgelek" and the amount of payment. Thus, if you donate 150 rubles, your message will look like this: "Izgelek 150".
  2. You can make a donation with Visa, MasterCard right now. All transferred funds will go to the current account of the Izgelek Charity Fund. The report on donations and expenditures of the fund is updated daily at izgelek.com. If you want to make a donation for a specific program, select the program from the proposed list in the "Purpose" field. If you would like to donate to a specific person, be sure to select their first and last name.

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